HybridConnect Opt-in Plugin for Affiliate Marketers

hybridconnect opt-in plugin
by Michel // September 24 // 10 Comments

With HybridConnect Opt-in Plugin, Create Opt-in Forms with Ease

Update: the plugin – HybridConnect is NO LONGER AVAILABLE and has been replaced. 

It’s another Whats Up Wednesday! Today I take a look at a powerful plugin for your WordPress platform called HybridConnect. This opt-in plugin does amazing things for the price.

How I got involved with this plugin was when I started to search for a plugin or theme. I wanted one that could easily place opt-in forms and squeeze pages on my site without a lot of hassle. And to do it cost effectively.

Also, I wanted something that offered more than one option with sign-up forms, mainly more that just a top or bottom bar, sidebar widget, or stand alone page. I wanted the ability for exit pop-ups, split testing, and tracking to know which sign-up method was working.

So I began by visiting WordPress plugin directory and found several Free plugins. I then uploaded each one to test just to be greatly disappointed. In fact, with some of them to get them to work in the way I wanted, required that I upgraded to their pro version in which their asking price was ridiculous (outrageous, actually). So much for free!

So my next step was to sit down and list what it was I wanted an opt-in plugin to do for me. I listed all the features and functions that I felt was important, and that it could easily integrate with my autoresponder without hassle…

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Michel has actively been online as an Internet and affiliate marketer since 2009. He has experience with many systems and programs that he has used throughout those years, finding some to be great and many not so good. He’s learned what works, and what doesn’t work and is willing to share it with you. And it is always changing!

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