Why People Fail to Make Money Online
by Michel // November 14 // 10 Comments
It’s another Feature Friday! Today’s latest article post is by yours’ truly. I'll be examining reasons why people fail to make money online.
Assumption: most people who fail to make money online are lazy!
The most popular opinion why people fail to make money online is because they are lazy. Supposedly, these “failures” are given, even handed ways to make money, but fail to take action. Conclusion, they must be lazy. But is that really true?
Assumptions can, and often are, both dangerous and wrong.
Case in point…
A successful marketer makes tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars promoting products, along with building recognition for him or her self, using just videos. Then in turn, release a “tell all” program how they did it. Once others buy the product, take a look at what was done, and fail at it, they must be lazy! Lazy, NO!
Not everyone is comfortable in front of a camera or video recorder. And those who are at ease don’t necessarily have the same charisma or camera presence that the “successful” video marketer has. Result, they fail to impress when making those videos and don’t make money after doing it.
Assumption: people fail to make money because they are impatient!
Another popular notion is that once someone buys a program proven to make money and doesn’t succeed with it is because they are impatient. They are tagged as someone who jumps from one thing to the next without giving anything a real chance.
But more often than not, the “proven” money making program itself failed to strike a cord with the buyer of that product. It is the same reason why not all of us are surgeons or lawyers, we are simply not interested in it once we understand what is entailed with that occupation or method.
'Tis true that those of us who are successful at making money online didn’t achieve it overnight ourselves. To be honest, many successful marketers making money today were those same people who struggled in days past. The difference? They finally connected with the current method they developed (or discovered by trial and error) to make money and got really good at it.
But the real problem that is behind the rationale of any program or money making system is the “one size fits all” mentality which is really not true.
Assumption: people fail to make money due to short attention spans or focus!
There are those with ADD or ADHD (both attention deficit disorders) who really do suffer with keeping their attention or focus when doing things. However, this is more of an exception than a rule.
In general, I’ve noticed over the years as time as passed, the attention spans of most people have been reduced because of the increase of distractions. There is more technology, more ways to connect, and a lot of noise being generated everywhere. It no wonder people have a hard time staying with one thing.
But whenever you do connect with anything you have a passion for, you seem to be able to filter out all that “noise” to help you concentrate on that passion. If you really don’t have a passion or connection with something, you too, will fail to focus and seem to have a short attention span.
Assumption: people fail to make money because…
The list of reasons why people fail to make money online are endless! Education levels, financial resources, network connections, location, opportunities, etc.
But a real issue involves what happens within each person. If you don’t believe you can do it, you won’t! If you believe it won’t work, it doesn’t work for you. And if you believe there has to be an easier way to do it, you'll keep on looking for it (regardless if it exists or not).
Yes, every failure assumption given above DOES stop some people from successfully making money online. But more often than not, the real underlying reason why most people fail is something that needs to be addressed first!
The elephant in the room
Before I continue with this reason, I want to address the elephant in the room. That elephant is the word SUCCESS. I have avoided using it for the most part in this article for a very good reason. That’s because success is a universal word that holds a number of meanings...
To some, Success represents a measure of riches or wealth. To others, it represents the ability to win and gain a championship. Yet to others, it is to be recognized as being the best in their field of study or occupation.
So when the phrase being successful online is used, it really is hard to pinpoint what that actually means cohesively in the minds of everyone.
Theory: the reason why most people fail online has to do with self esteem.
Do you find yourself doubting most things you have been presented? How about struggling to make things work for you? It’s possible that you are suffering from a lack of self esteem. And until that issue is addressed, you will find it difficult, if not impossible, to make any money making system or program work for you.
How do you know if you are suffering? Do you find yourself questioning everything? Or do you find yourself struggling to believe or trust others? Do you find yourself doubting more often than believing it can be done? Are you perceived by the majority of others who are close to you to be a pessimist? Do you find it hard to make friends?
If you were honest and answered yes to the above questions, then it is a real possibility you are suffering from self esteem issues that need to be addressed. Until you do so, you will continue to struggle with not only making money online, but with many other aspects of life as well!
Now, I don’t claim to be a self esteem expert! That is, someone who can help you solve your self esteem issues. I’m not. All I do know is if you are struggling with it, until it is dealt with, you will continue to find it difficult to make money online and ways to do it that will work for you!
If you are struggling...
My suggestion to you, is find a reputable expert, online or offline. Someone who you can relate to and comfortable enough with that you will listen to. Then once you have made a decision, keep with it until finished.
Not only will this help you build your self esteem, but will also give you a real sense of accomplishment because you finished the program. In turn you can build upon this new foundation of “success” to grow from there!
If you found this article helpful, please share it with others you know. Also I encourage you to leave any questions, comments, or suggestions you may have below!
Michel has actively been online as an Internet and affiliate marketer since 2009. He has experience with many systems and programs that he has used throughout those years, finding some to be great and many not so good. He’s learned what works, and what doesn’t work and is willing to share it with you. And it is always changing!