Problems with Affiliate Marketing

by Michel // June 14 // 0 Comments

Real Problems with Affiliate Marketing that could hurt you

You might find it confusing to see a site claiming there are problems with affiliate marketing who promotes it. But let me explain, although affiliate marketing does offer many benefits it is not an effective strategy when used alone. Or when used incorrectly.

Also, there are four problems with affiliate marketing that you should both be aware of and address when developing your own business or online marketing strategy.

Problem One – Affiliate Training programs

To begin, many products or courses claim to have a proven formula for making YOU money. Many of them bring up affiliate marketing by claiming that their course will teach you the details of affiliate marketing so you can make money.

However, the problem is most of these courses are written by those who are paid only to write, but not to research or understand the content about which they are writing. Consequently, many of the authors use the copy and paste method to repackage old, outdated, or even outright incorrect information. And then resell this rehashed material over and over again.

It is important that the reader of these types of repackaged information realize they are mostly gimmicks or short-term answers, not real lasting income solutions. So, you need to be savvy to the ways in which to avoid them! You can do this by finding out whether or not the author has a proven sales record, good and unbiased reviews of products or courses, and a thorough personal understanding of the topics about which they are writing.

Problem Two – Nonactionable Ideas

A second problem that the affiliate marketing arena faces are “nonactionable ideas”. It is common for a guru marketer to propose a marketing idea that seems clever, user-friendly, and lucrative. But in the end, it is nothing more than raves and banter about “creating hype” or “pursuing unlimited possibilities”.

To deal with this affiliate marketing problem, the product seller should ensure on his or her own that the idea presented by the affiliate network is both actionable and profitable. For example, say an affiliate network advertises that it will increase your visibility and traffic. That’s if you sign up for their premium package or spend money to earn higher commissions to the network. Then it is crucial that you make sure the return on investment is profitable as well as the risk to benefit ratio to your favor.

It might make sense for a multimillion-dollar company to spend an extra $100,000 to reap benefits in excess of that amount. However, it would be simply foolish for an unknown niche market private company to spend that same amount with the only realistic expectation for improved sales to be around a $25,000 increase. It is ultimately the responsibility of the product seller, not the affiliate, to analyze and decide whether a particular idea is worth the initial money and time investment.

Problem Three – Learning Outdated Methods

A third challenge to the credibility of many affiliate marketing books, seminars, or courses is the presentation of outdated, obsolete, or antiquated methods for increasing profitability. In fact, some affiliate marketing seminars and membership sites continue to brag about the value of writing articles for article marketing directories.

Believe it or not, there are still affiliate marketing video guru seminars and membership sites out that tout the financial benefits of article marketing. Those who haven’t been living under a rock or did not suffer from suspended animation for several years would know that article marketing, at least as practiced in the year 2006, no longer works.

However, if you do decide to continue using article marketing it is important that you use a Google adapted/adopted technology to ensure that you are profitable. This is one example of outdated or obsolete advice, and it is sadly only one example of the many outdated forms of advice.

Problem Four – Web Traffic

Finally, and most importantly, a main reason why people who buy the typical affiliate marketing blueprint or coaching system fail to make any money is that these programs underplay the importance of web traffic.

Traffic is crucial. In fact, if you do not know how to drive traffic to your online business you won’t have an online business for long at all. In the modern online world, traffic isn’t a luxury, it is an important and crucial need that must be met to effectively grow an online business period.

Final Thoughts…

Even though I presented 4 main problems with Affiliate Marketing, they are not the only ones. As with any business method, there are both risks and rewards. It is important to get the correct information and training if you expect to have a fighting chance. And then put it into action… real solutions that make money for you!

About the Author Michel

Michel has actively been online as an Internet and affiliate marketer since 2009. He has experience with many systems and programs that he has used throughout those years, finding some to be great and many not so good. He’s learned what works, and what doesn’t work and is willing to share it with you. And it is always changing!

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