How to Use the KLT Sales Method With Video
by Michel // February 8 // 0 Comments
Using KLT Sales Method With Video
KLT sales method is one of the oldest and most tried-and-proven sales methods in existence. In fact, if you are to talk to anybody who makes a living persuading other people, you will discover they use KLT. They may not even be aware that they're using this method. But they would have to be using it if they want to be successful. Why? Because the KLT sales method or system is geared towards persuading people based on how the human mind thinks.
Why KLT Sales Method Works
Even though we are different, we're not all that different. Regardless of where we come from in the world, regardless of what we look like, regardless of our backgrounds, we all, at some level or other, think alike. In other words, we are all persuaded in pretty much the same way. Most professional marketers and politicians are well aware of this and use it to their advantage.
Sure, there may be certain cultural differences, generation gaps, and so on - but, generally speaking, we all respond to the KLT sales method similarly. What is KLT you might ask? It stands for know, like and trust.
Importance of Building Trust
To get anybody to buy anything from you, or even listen to you, they must first feel that they can trust you. When was the last time you bought something from a total stranger? Chances of that happening are quite low. Welcome to the club. Most people think the same way as you. Most people would not buy from a total stranger.
To build that trust, people must feel that they know enough about the product, and they have to like the product. These two factors fit together. Somebody has to know something and be familiar enough with it to like it and then later on to trust the brand or specific solution.
KLT is crucial to any kind of persuasion. This is why KLT video is so powerful.
Creating a Video Series using KLT
You can set up a video that is all about the "Like" part of the equation. With this video, you can teach people to like a particular useful way of solving a problem.
You can also set up another video to play before it that focuses on the "Knowledge" part of the equation. This is the video that gives people knowledge regarding how to solve a problem and the different options available. In turn, this leads to the "Like" video, which helps them like a particular option.
Finally, you can create the "T" video, which stands for trust. This video is used to teach people why they can trust a specific method because of case studies or facts presented in the video.
Helping Viewer Make an Informed Choice
Regardless of how you make your case, when you line up these videos the right way, you show them the right video at the right time and you give them the message they need to help them make an informed choice.
That's how you can persuade people with video and this happens all the time. In fact, video is one of the most powerful ways to produce sales using the KLT sales system.
Michel has actively been online as an Internet and affiliate marketer since 2009. He has experience with many systems and programs that he has used throughout those years, finding some to be great and many not so good. He’s learned what works, and what doesn’t work and is willing to share it with you. And it is always changing!