How To Grab Your Email Subscribers Attention
by Michel // July 19 // 0 Comments
How to easily grab your Email Subscribers Attention with your Subject line
When you send an email to your subscribers, they most likely will not read your email if you don't write an interesting subject line. Your subject line is very important, because it can influence the decision for your audience whether to open or ignore your email.
Because your subject line can make your email to get read or ignored by your subscribers, it can also affect the success rate of your email marketing campaign. The less people open your email, the less likely they will read your promotional copy.
In turn, this means the less likely they will be willing to follow your recommendation. So, tweaking your subject line can help you to increase your conversion rate, because it makes your subscribers want to read your email immediately.
How can you write an attention-grabbing subject line for your email?
It is not too difficult to do, but you should not underestimate the importance for you to follow a certain formula. There are things that make people want to open an email immediately. For instance, if their friend sends them an urgent news to their email, they will open that email quickly.
If possible, you have to be able to position yourself as the friend of your subscribers. Then, write your subject line with the surefire formula that will grab their attention immediately. Here are some tips you can follow to easily grab your email subscribers attention with your subject line:
1. The Breaking News Style
If you want to attract your audience's attention immediately, give them some breaking news in your subject line. It may not literally be news, but you can write your subject line in the breaking news style. Just take a look at the way breaking news headlines are written.
If you can adapt those headlines to your business niche, you can tweak your subject line to sound like those breaking news headlines. In this way, you will be able to give your subscribers an immediate attention, which makes them want to know about the "news" immediately.
2. Ask Your Subscribers To Do Something
Simply ask your subscribers to do something, and they might want to do it for you. You can write your subject line in the form of a command. You will ask your subscribers to do something that is simple enough to do, but worth the reward.
For instance, you can ask them to open your email in order to get 20% off discount for their purchase. Or, you can ask them to read your email in order to discover the secret solution for their problem.
3. Give Your Subscribers An Interesting Question
The human mind is programmed to answer questions. When someone asks you a question, what will you do? You will tend to answer that question. But, what if you don't know the answer? If the question is interesting enough, you will want to search the answer for that question.
So, you can use this bit of knowledge in your email marketing campaign. You can write an interesting question in your subject line, so that your subscribers will become curious to know the answer of that question. Interestingly, they will know the answer of that question only when they read your email.
4. Keep Your Subscribers Curious About Your Email Content
You can also write your subject line in a mysterious tone. You know, people like mysterious things. There are many unexplained phenomena in this world, and people are curious to know about that.
So, when you write a subject line with a mysterious tone in it, people will want to know what's in your email. In this way, you can feed their curiosity and they will tend to seek more and more content from you. This is one effective way to make your subscribers read your email immediately.
5. Use Short And Clear Subject Line
Make sure that you keep your subject line short and clear. It means that your subject line has to be straightforward and quick to read. There are those people who are running a mailing list, that write their subject line too long. This is not a good practice.
Keep your word usage at a minimum when it comes to writing an effective subject line. This can also help your subscribers to notice your email immediately, especially when there are too many emails in their inbox.
Michel has actively been online as an Internet and affiliate marketer since 2009. He has experience with many systems and programs that he has used throughout those years, finding some to be great and many not so good. He’s learned what works, and what doesn’t work and is willing to share it with you. And it is always changing!