Future Feature Fridays, Dean Holland and the BCB
by Michel // October 10 // 0 Comments
Future Feature Fridays
Today’s another Feature Friday! I have several exciting things to announce. I’ve been busy working behind the scenes with The Smart Affiliate. And I've been setting up things in the background. This includes future releases of great news article posts containing fantastic information for you.
Guest Authors
First, I have contacted and confirmed with some awesome future guest articles from authors that are successful online with that topic I requested from them and are willing to share with you. So for the remaining month of October, future Feature Friday article posts are looking good!
Also if you are unaware, one of the affiliate programs I am involved with, because I am also an iPro partner with Dean Holland, are quality training products that are available from his company that he has put together and continues to produce.
Dean Holland and iPro
What is not known is how I got involved with Dean and iPro in the first place. I didn’t even know Dean until I was invited to attend one of his free webinar back in April 2013. Beforehand, I had only heard of him through a JV he had with Marcus Passey. It involved a product I got called Outsourcing Blitzkrieg 2.0 (another thing I never got around to reading).
Attended his webinar
So I decided to attend this webinar. I heard what Dean had to say during his presentation. And then I decided to get involved with his proposed partnership offer on the ground floor. At the time it was called the ‘Limited Licensed Partnership’ and it was just in its early infancy.
Became an iPro partner
After completing the initial training and experiencing a series of personal unforeseen tragic events, including the death of my mom that summer, I started to become quite frustrated and disenchanted with the program (renamed iPro). I was failing at it miserably.
For me, I still had not made any sales, success wasn’t happening for me as fast as I was lead to believe and not in the direction that I thought. So far a poor testimonial, right? Stick with me, it’s worth it, okay!
After seeing several different versions of one product and relaunches with changes of others, I could see that Dean quickly learned from what was working and was needed from what wasn’t working and needed to be changed or scrapped.
Learning from mistakes
One great characteristic I can say about Dean is he learns from his mistakes much faster than what I do and is willing to make those needed changes or adjustments much quicker in comparison.
Remember when I started out with Dean, things were just in there infancy and I for one can get impatient when things don’t move like I think they should (sometimes this issue can cause one to lose out).
But I didn’t give up and eventually started to realize some success when I started earning several hundred dollars in commission sales that ran from the end of last year into the start of this year. It was the most that I have earned online in a short period of time since the summer of 2010!
Offers and growth
It’s also a good thing I have stayed with the partnership. That's because Dean and his company has just exploded with a series of awesome new products and programs. I just witnessed what he has in store at yesterday’s partner webinar. I can honestly say with what I saw, my excitement has been rekindled and that is not easy to do for me these days.
Since Dean has added staff to his company, he is now more laser-focused on producing some of the best training and coaching programs that I seen online, and I’ve been online since 2008. The other iPro partners are excited as well because Dean’s program has helped catapulted their own success to new levels with iPro.
How did most of them start out?
With the
Big Commission Blueprint (BCB). What's even more amazing is the price. After Dean revamped the program early last spring, I was shocked by what he was asking. I personally thought it was way under priced for what you got and especially when compared to other online programs.
Now Dean has taken the BCB program one step further. He has improved upon it again (I didn’t think it was possible). What Dean has done is taken the BCB and has integrated it with his other training programs in an ingenious way!
What this means for you is if you decide to just tryout the BCB, but then afterward decide to take your online business to the next level or further along with Dean (who by the way is an online millionaire), you can add on to it by continuing where you left off with the BCB!
And it isn’t just with this program. Dean has basically tailor made these programs to fit whatever a person is interested in accomplishing and areas where they need help without having to get it all or all at once.
With these programs, you can decide what it is you need, and if you change your mind or realize there is more for you to know, then you can add to it as needed for you! To me, this is fantastic!
So what does that mean for you?
If you're interested in getting involved with a quality program. One that will help you set-up your own lasting online business. And be involved with an awesome group of like minded people. Those who are willing to share their knowledge with you. Then I recommend finding out more about this opportunity by
going here…
As always, I like to hear your thoughts, ideas or questions about today’s article post. Please share your thoughts in the comment section below :)
Michel has actively been online as an Internet and affiliate marketer since 2009. He has experience with many systems and programs that he has used throughout those years, finding some to be great and many not so good. He’s learned what works, and what doesn’t work and is willing to share it with you. And it is always changing!