Introducing Affiliate Marketing the Smart Way

affiliate marketing the smart way
by Michel // November 10 // 4 Comments

Many enter, but few succeed!

Many people enter, but very few succeed when it comes to affiliate marketing. Why is that?

It’s because affiliate marketing is presented by “Gurus” as a quick and easy miracle solution to your money woes or employment problems.

And like the slick snake oil salesman of yesteryear, many people jump at the chance to buy a bottle of their marvelous elixir.

Then they try it for awhile with little or no results. In turn, these new affiliate marketers become either more desperate or altogether disenchanted.

I know, because I’ve been there.

I have a digital cabinet full of disappointments. I’ve bought a number of affiliate marketing programs  over the years. All promising to hand me the keys to the kingdom of quick riches and instant online success.

But then I stopped chasing after the “shiny objects” offered by those peddlers and got smart.

Introducing affiliate marketing the smart way!

Yes, affiliate marketing does work and you can do more with it than just make money. Being an affiliate can provide a respectable living for anyone. But you have to be willing to put in the effort and develop the skills needed to succeed.

If this is asking too much to expect from you, then affiliate marketing is really not for you! Instead of wasting my time and yours, you can continue surfing the web for those shiny objects and magic potions.

However, if this sounds like something you want to do to succeed, keep reading…

Affiliate Marketing is more than just signing up to promote a product

First, you need to realize that affiliate marketing is more than just signing up to promote some merchant’s product or service in exchange for a big percentage commission and instant sales.

There are actual marketing skills required to succeed with affiliate marketing. Sales and promotion are just part of the mix, but not the entire scope which many focus on only.

There are many aspects to it like market research; which is discovering the who, what, where, why and how of that market and potential customers. It is learning to know the how and what you can do for them and then the method(s) used to reach out to them.

Market Selection

Then there is market selection which is the market you want or have an interest in promoting like the dieting market for example. But an extremely important factor is that there is a market where money can be made.

Understanding that you are looking for those who have a problem and you have their solution. So like Internet marketing, affiliate marketing has to do with providing solutions for problems that those people are willing to pay for that solution.

Sales skills

And yet there are skills required relating to sales. If you cannot sell, then you have several choices to make. You can learn those skills and develop them. You could hire someone else to do your sales. But then, you would be more like a CEO and not an affiliate. Or you can do something else altogether.

Hopefully you’re beginning to realize affiliate marketing is not a walk in the park as you’ve been lead to believe. This is especially true when you’re just starting out and have not done it before.

Perhaps by now, I’ve completely convinced you that affiliate marketing should be scratched off your list of money making opportunities?

Too bad if I have because I am known to give wake up calls along with doses of reality to all topics I bother to write about and share.

But not all hope is lost when it comes to affiliate marketing. The good news is it doesn’t require a college education or degree. It can be taught to others without having to spend years to learn it.

Short Cuts

There ARE real short-cuts to success! And the best way is to learn from real experts who have already been through it and know how to succeed.

Those who have proven experience and are willing to teach you. Those who are trustworthy and genuinely want to help you avoid the pitfalls and mistakes they have made.

That is a big reason why coaching and mentoring programs have become so popular today, because they work and everyone looks for shortcuts.

However, the biggest problem when it comes to coaching and mentoring programs is finding the right one, the right fit as I call it with the person or program that will work for you.

So how do I know if the program I’m looking to join is the real deal?

To be honest, not all who ARE qualified want to share their knowledge with you. That is one of the reasons why they either remain silent or only offer their help at a price. That price is usually through multiple program levels or upsells that you will pay to get that knowledge.

Those short-cuts are based on your ability to pay. The more money you have to spend, the more complete is the access to that knowledge base and the quicker you can learn it to put into practice for yourself.

I like using car analogies because most people can relate. If you only have enough to buy a Yugo, you can’t expect to get Lexus features, it won’t happen! If you want and need Lexus features, then you are going to have to pay for them, it’s that simple.

Same principle for coaching and mentoring programs. If someone who has worked years online to develop a successful system and decides to offer that information to others, it will come at a price. If you need their direct help and guidance, you are going to pay for it.

Experience doesn’t mean qualified teaching ability

Also another problem is just because they do have a lot of experience and success to go with it, doesn’t mean they are qualified or have the ability to teach you!

Before jumping on-board with any mentor or coach and getting their premium program, it is best to start out with their introductory program to see if they are a good fit. This way, you don’t spend a lot of money or waste your time if it isn’t a good fit.

On the other hand, if you do like their style and believe their premium program will work for you, then go ahead and get it.

At this point, if you’re already happy with the money you’re making online, then the rest of this article doesn’t apply to you.

Which brings me to my final point. I know of a coaching program that I have participated with myself, where you can get started with a complete program that shows you all the fundamentals to get you started and on your way.

The best part about this program is two fold

First if you do find it to be a good fit, then you can upgrade and immediately continue from there, integration is seamless. If not, it does teach you enough to get started and allows you to build from there on your own.

Second if you don’t like it at all, not only have you saved yourself a bundle by not buying the premium program, but there is also a complete full 30-day money back guarantee where you can get all your money back! So what do you have to lose?

Now comes the choice; if you are still not sure about this program, then I encourage you to read my full review, The Big Commission Blueprint.

However, if you are ready to get started now, then all you need to do is Click Here!

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Michel has actively been online as an Internet and affiliate marketer since 2009. He has experience with many systems and programs that he has used throughout those years, finding some to be great and many not so good. He’s learned what works, and what doesn’t work and is willing to share it with you. And it is always changing!

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